Sunday, July 26, 2009

Tomorrow's the Big Day!

We have our ultrasound tomorrow. Hopefully the baby will cooperate and reveal his/her gender! Then, we can finally start to register and even buy things here and there! I've put it all off until now because I didn't want to fall in love with the nursery decorations of one, but then find out we're having the other.

You can anonymously vote for what you think we're having. The poll is in the top right hand corner of this blog. It closes at Noon tomorrow, since our appointment is at 11:30. I'll let you all know tomorrow!! yay!


Josh Graves said...

I voted boy :) Eat something sugary like waffles and syrup or orange juice before you go in to get "him" to move around a lot, that way you can for sure see them and they won't be asleep with their legs crossed! --Kara

~ The Coleman 5 said...

So excited for you two and can't wait to find out what "it" is!

How Many Since 3/19/07?