Our posts have been all baby lately. Now here is something fun. New friends of ours, Neil and Teresa, came to Chicago for a conference. When I heard they were coming, I quickly offered up our home to them so they wouldn't have to pay for a hotel. Sounds like I had their best interest in mind, but little did they know it was all selfish...so that Ben and I could hang out as much as possible with these two cool folks! :)
We attempted to take the 3 'o clock train into the city, but missed it by literally 1 second. We were driving along side the train just as it arrived, but there was no way we could make it. The next train was at 5 PM so we decided to kill time by heading to the nearest 7 Eleven for some Slurpees. Unfortunately, the machine malfunctioned and sprayed all over Teresa's white tank! And, the mean store clerk wouldn't even let her have the drink for free! bleh!

After that we hit up Old Navy to get her a new shirt, then caught the 5 'o clock train to Chicago. We decided to have dinner at a Mexican restaurant called Zapatista and it was A-mazing! Very delicious!

The made to order guacamole was a favorite!

With our bellies full, we walked around the city a little bit to sight see and take a few more photos, including this one at Millennium Park.

And, of course, anyone who comes to Chicago needs to see the Bean, or the Cloud or whatever they call it now.

Inside this bean, you must take photos of your reflection...

We hopped the train back to Wheaton and ended the fun day with ice cream at Oberweis. Yum!

Thanks, Neil and Teresa, for such a fun weekend!